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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dear readers ,

Opel Week offically closed 1 month ago.
This blog will be inactive in status.
However, the blog will still be opened for visits
Once again , sorry for late response.
Do enjoy ur stay (?)

Regards ,

7:12 PM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Logo and sports selection.

Our Group used various methods in order to choose the best choice available. One of them that we used is the PMI. The PMI stands for Plusses, Minuses and interesting/implicating and its is a tool to use for quick evaluation for decisions that do not have a lot of potential for adverse implications.
We wrote all positive points to the plusses column, all negative points to the minuses column and those eye catching points into the last column which is the interesting and implicating column.
Even though over team is not as quick to choose the logos, we managed to choose the best out of the remaining logos that we not chosen. As mentioned, we used the PMI tool to evaluate and choose the best out of the leftovers to use for our project. We found the logo attractive in terms of shape and format even though is not as nicely presented in terms of colours and shapes. We could see the huge amount of effort that the particular secondary 1 group put in too and thus, decided to pick theirs as an appreciation to their efforts. Fortunately, we managed to pick a unique sport, dodge ball to use for our project. Dodge ball is a game where players would be required to throw and avoid the incoming balls at the same time. Our group felt that this particular game is exciting and unique to us. Thus, this sport is being picked by us.

Using other people’s work does also imply difficulties to us. We faced the problems of items being copyrighted and unable to obtain permission form the owners. Thus, the overall work did not turn out as nice and perfect as we expected. But, we managed to overcome this problem by having more ideas in place to take over the broken ideas. Even though it may not be as perfect as mentioned, it would still be completed and presentable.

Booked by our group =P

9:47 PM

Monday, March 9, 2009

2008 Paralympics 400m Final

I seriously envy this guy a lot.. see his determination to finish the race even though he is wearing equipments in order to run.. and eventually he got a first with 47 sec record.


10:50 PM

Significant Events in Paralympics

1960 Rome, Italy
-first Paralympic Games
-officially known as the Ninth Annual International Stoke Mandeville Games.
-The Games began six days after the closing ceremony of the XVII Olympic Summer Games.
- They were held from September 9th to September 24th.
-The opening ceremony occurred on the September 18th at the Acqua Acetosa Stadium. Camillo Giardina, Italian Minister for Public Health, declared the Games open.
-There were 5,000 people attending the ceremony, along with the 400 athletes who participated in the Games. These athletes traveled from 23 different countries to compete.
-A new disability was added to the Games and allowed athletes with spinal cord injuries to compete.
-These Games in Rome were also the first Games for the disabled held in the same venue as the able-bodied Games.
- Olympic Village was not handicapped accessible.
- athletes who were unable to access the village on their own power had to be carried up and down the stairs.

Rome paralympics parade

Rome olympics logo 1960

1964 Tokyo, Japan
- opening ceremonies were held at Oda Field.
- 375 athletes competed, 307 men and 68 women.
- Wheelchair racing was added into the venue this year.

Tokyo Paralympics Torch

1964 Tokyo Olympics logo ( cant find paralympics )

1968 Tel Aviv, Israel
-Events such as lawn bowling, women's basketball, and the 100 meter-wheelchair race for men were all played for the first time.

1972,Heidelberg, Germany

-Games also included goalball as a demonstration sport and the 100 meter sprint for visually impaired athletes.
- first Paralympic Games to use electronic touch pads in the swimming events.

1976, Toronto , Canada
-Six countries were represented in these Games
- 1,657 athletes, 253 of whom were women.
-261 amputees and 187 visually impaired athletes were included in the program as well as in several new events for the first time.
-It was also the first year where specialized racing wheelchairs were used.
-These Games were the first time they were televised.
-New events included rifle shooting and goalball.
Goalball was used as a demonstration sport in 1972, but in 1976, it became a full medal sport.
-In the wheelchair category, new distances added were: 200 meter, 400 meter, 800 meter, and 1,500 meter.

Toronto Basketball match

Goalball being introduced

1980,Arnhem , Netherlands
-42 countries competing with a total of 1,973 athletes participating.
-1,055 competed in wheelchairs, 452 were amputees, 341 were considered visually impaired, and 125 were diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
-For the first time, sitting volleyball was added to the venue
- goalball was accepted as a sport for visually impaired athletes, and competitors with cerebral palsy were allowed to compete.

Arnhem paralympics games Logo

Stoke Mandeville and New York
-held in two different places. Stoke Mandeville and New York
-due to the splitting of disability categories.
-Athletes grouped as amputees, les autres, vision impairment, and cerebral palsy competed in New York.
- The athletes with spinal cord injuries competed in Stoke Mandeville
- wheelchair athletes competed elsewhere.

1992 Barcelona , Spain

-The 1992 Paralympics was to be the largest showcase ever
-The organizing committee of these games was concerned that the large number of Paralympic competitions would reduce the credibility of the Games.
- The committee then reduced the number of athletes with different disabilities to participate in the same events.
- Support was reinforced by the presence of Juan Antonio Samaranch, who was the president of the International Paralympic Committee. King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain attended and Mayor Pasquel Maragall was also highly supportive of the Games.

Barcelona LOGO for paralympics

1996, Alanta , USA
-Some new disability categories were added, too.
-included mentally impaired, spinal cord disabilities, cerebral palsy, amputations, les autres and visual impairments.
-The 1996 Paralympic Games attracted worldwide corporate sponsorship for the first time.
-A Cultural Pyramid was also showcased at the Games. The pyramid featured works of disabled artists.


8:25 PM

Past Paralympic Summer Games:

1960 Paralympic Games, Rome, Italy
1964 Paralympic Games, Tokyo, Japan
1968 Paralympic Games, Tel Aviv, Israel
1972 Paralympic Games, Heidelberg, Germany
1976 Paralympic Games, Toronto, Canada
1980 Paralympic Games, Arnhem, Netherlands
1984 Paralympic Games, Stoke Mandeville, Britain & New York, United States
1988 Paralympic Games, Seoul, South Kore
1992 Paralympic Games, Barcelona, Spain
1996 Paralympic Games, Atlanta, United States
2000 Paralympic Games, Sydney, Australia
2004 Paralympic Games, Athens, Greece
2006 Paralympic Games, Torino, Italy
2008 Paralympic Games, Beijing, China

Some past Paralympics LOGOS


Syndey 2000 paralympics and 2006 Torino paralympics

Upcoming paralympics Games:

2010 Paralympic Games, Vancouver, Canada
2012 paralympic Games, London, United Kingdom
2014 paralympic Games, Sochi, Russia

London 2012 Paralympics and Vancouver 2010 paralympics


7:20 PM

Here are a list of paralympics games
Sport Years
Archery 1900,1912, 1920, since 1972
Athletics all
Badminton since 1992
Baseball 1992,2008
Basketball since 1936
Basque pelota 1900
Boxing 1904, 1908, since 1920
Canoeing since 1936
Cricket 1900
Croquet 1900
Cycling all
Diving since 1904
Equestrian 1900, since 1912
Fencing all
Football (Soccer) 1900,1928, since 1936
Golf 1900, 1904
Gymnastics all
Handball 1936, since 1972
Hockey (field) 1908, 1920, since 1928
Jeu de paume 1908
Judo 1964, since 1972
Lacrosse 1904, 1908
Modern pentathlon since 1912
Polo 1900, 1908, 1920, 1924, 1936
Rackets 1908
Roque 1904
Rowing since 1900
Rugby union 1900, 1908, 1920, 1924
Sailing 1900, since 1908
Shooting 1896, 1900, 1908,1924, since 1932
Softball 1996,2008
Swimming all
swimming since 1984
Table tennis since 1988
Taekwondo since 2000
Tennis 1896,1924, since 1988
Triathlon since 2000
Tug of war 1900,1920
Volleyball since 1964
Water motorsports 1908
Water polo 1900, since 1908
Weightlifting 1896, 1904, since 1920
Wrestling 1896, since 1904


Paralympics Summer Sports


Winter Paralympics and Olympics sports


7:11 PM

History of Paralympics

In 1948, Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized a sports competition involving World War II veterans with a spinal cord injury in Stoke Mandeville, England. Four years later, competitors from the Netherlands joined the games and an international movement was born.

Sir Ludwig Guttmann

Olympic style games for athletes with a disability were organized for the first time in Rome in 1960, now called Paralympics.

In Toronto in 1976, other disability groups were added and the idea of merging together different disability groups for international sport competitions was born. In the same year, the first Paralympic Winter Games took place in Sweden.

The movement has grown dramatically since its first days. The number of athletes participating in Summer Paralympic Games has increased from 400 athletes from 23 countries in Rome in 1960 to 3,806 athletes from 136 countries and regions in Athens in 2004.

The Paralympic Games have always been held in the same year as the Olympic Games. Since the Seoul 1988 Paralympic Games and the Albertville 1992 Winter Paralympic Games they have also taken place at the same venues as the Olympics. On 19 June 2001, an agreement was signed between the IOC and IPC securing this practice for the future. From the 2012 bid process onwards, the host city chosen to host the Olympic Games will be obliged to also host the Paralympics.

Olden disabled people playing basketball.


7:10 PM


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Thanks and enjoy ur stay
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Outram Secondary School
Class 3/5

Leader - Jovan
Encourager - Grace
Questioner - Kang Wei
Recorder - Gloria


Done By: Jovan
Pics: beijing olympic official site
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